How to fill out your Shipping Address - Guide - Closet Treasures

Closet Treasures sells handmade stuff: jewelry, crochet home décor and clothing, household items, books, toys, patterns and more


How to fill out your Shipping Address - Guide

No matter how much I stress on the importance of filling out the correct shipping address, it still won’t be enough.
Of course, you want your parcel to reach you without a hassle and delay, this clearly requires that your correct and complete destination address is very important.
When the cursor is brought to “Process to Checkout”, a list opens up with a few options "Billing details".
The new page that appears in front of you will have a list of options on the page for filling your information.
We offer you EXAMPLE how to fill your shipping address correctly.

Name ______________________________   Email___________________________________


Full name
First name, second name

Address Line 1
Street address, P.O. box, company name, c/o

Address Line 2
Apartment, suite, unit, building, flor, etc.



Zip/Postal Code


Phone Number

Additional information or your wishes.

If you haven't a PayPal account you can pay items with your credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, etc.) like PayPal Guest Checkout.

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